Роман «Mebius Dust» получит аниме-адаптацию (07.03.19 / 12:08)
Помимо выйгрыша в 1 млн. иен, произведение автора получит аниме-адаптацию от студии Dogakobo («Пластиковые воспоминания», «Новая игра! »). Премьера планируется где-то в 2020-м году.
Описание на английском:
On February 29, 2000, a group of Mebius meteorites fell down on earth. These meteorites brought new material called Mebius Dust. It could dissolve among the air of earth and certain miracle would happen. The day that the Mebius meteorites fell is being called 2.29, and the economic disparity in Japan speed up since that day. The a group of people with the economic disparity and started to cause terrorism. Police has established a special group to fight against the group and a school to develop members to enter that special group.
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Добавлено: oDaletY
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